Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin

Christ Church Cathedral Dublin

Christ Church Cathedral is located in the former heart of medieval Dublin on the high ground overlooking the Viking settlement at Wood Quay at the end of Lord Edward Street. The cathedral was founded probably sometime after 1028.

Henry II attended the Christmas service at the cathedral in 1171. In the 1180s, Strongbow and other Norman magnates helped to fund a complete rebuilding of Christ Church in stone, as it was initially a wooden building. 

In the 1350s a major extension was undertaken by John de St Paul, Archbishop of Dublin. In 1480 the wealthy judge William Sutton bequeathed all his lands and silver to the cathedral. It was extensively renovated and rebuilt from 1871 to 1878.

It is officially claimed as the seat of both the Church of Ireland and Roman Catholic archbishops of Dublin. It is the elder of the capital city’s two medieval cathedrals, the other being St Patrick’s Cathedral.

Official site: Christ Church Cathedral

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